Is this the end?

This is the end š
Elon Musk's take over is the end of Twitter.
Facebook doesn't appeal to Gen Z. It is the end.
It's been a while I've felt quite negative about my future and the future of the world.
The pandemic first, the war in Ukraine then, climate change. It's hard to stay faithful.
But the reality is that things do end. It's inevitable. And it's not necessarily a bad thing.
There would be no Facebook without MySpace, no Spotify without Napster, and so on.
I remember once I was on a guided tour of an ancient castle in Ireland. The building had been owned by the same family for centuries. Unfortunately, the last heir of the family didn't have the financial means to maintain the castle. So she had to give it away and moved to Australia soon after.
I commented saying that it must have been hard for her to sell the castle and move so far away.
The guide replied that it wasn't the case: wealthy (and smart) people don't fear endings.
"Things are here and then, in a spectacular flash, they are not." (cit, The Infinite Deaths of Social Media)
I will never forget it.